Monday 28 February 2011

Warehouse for Cows Scheme Withdrawn

You may recall a post,"Warehouse for Cows in Lincolnshire" from just before Christmas. It was about the proposal to build an American style cow factory farm here in the U.K.

Thanks in no small measure to dedicated animal and environmental groups, along with many individuals, the mega dairy application for Nocton has been withdrawn. The proposed dairy factory farm in Lincolnshire would have been the first such endeavour in the UK.

Originally, the proposal called for 8,000 cows, but due to strong objections, a plan was resubmitted for close to 4,000. Modelled after U.S. factory farm methods, Nocton Dairies would have been a precedent-setting operation for England.

In the end, it was the environmental impact of tens of thousands of tons of waste products produced by the cows each year that was the main concern about giving approval. The huge amount of waste runoff would seep into ground water and pollute the area. Animal welfare concerns won this battle by default.

Just as a mother would protect with her life her own child, her only child,
so one should cultivate an unbounded mind towards all beings, and loving-kindness towards all the world.

Sutta Nipata

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